I’m Zahid, currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Iowa State University, under the supervision of Professor Wei Le. I completed my undergraduate studies at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

My research focuses on Machine Learning and Software Engineering, with a particular interest in numerical bug detection in ML code and bug detection in machine learning models. I have four years of industry experience in software development, integration, validation, testing, and deployment, having worked on projects across operating systems, data science, machine learning, computer vision, and web development.

During my undergraduate studies at BUET, I was guided by Dr. Abu Sayed Md. Latiful Hoque, and our work received a government grant in 2020, leading to a publication at the 23rd ICCIT.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I have a deep interest in history, religion, and philosophy. I also enjoy acting, as showcased in this video, and playing the guitar.

If you’re working on an ambitious project and need a collaborator, feel free to reach out to me. Have a nice day!